
How to use the Data Portal

Welcome to PHAB’s Data Portal. This site is designed to provide two different audiences – the general public and accredited health departments – with the ability to gain insight into the performance data collected from the PHAB accreditation process.  

The general public can get a sense of aggregate performance in their region or compare health department data by using filters. 

Accredited health departments can log in to see their specific performance data and compare themselves to aggregate data from other accredited health departments. PHAB is committed to keeping individual health department data confidential; if a user designates filter criteria that could reveal the identity of a specific health department, the Data Portal will not share that specific data and the user will be directed to adjust the filter criteria.

For more information, please see:


View the “Accreditation Snapshot” section in the Data Portal for an overview of health department data of those participating in PHAB accreditation. 


Explore the “Population Health Outcomes” section to learn what topics health departments are tracking. 



On the "Initial Accreditation Data" page, learn how health departments were assessed on the Standards & Measures when they applied for accreditation for the first time. On this page, you can see how health departments perform in key public health areas such as Community Engagement or Health Equity using the “By Theme” display. You can also view information “By Domain & Standard.” 


The display will initially show “Report Assessment Data,” which includes the assessments that are provided to the Accreditation Committee when it has the first opportunity to accredit a health department. However, more than 40% of the time, the Accreditation Committee requires health departments to conduct additional work, called an Action Plan, before they are accredited. If you toggle to the “Action Plan Tab,” you can see if health departments were required to submit additional documentation through the Action Plan process and if they demonstrated improvement. 


On the “Reaccreditation Data” page, learn how health departments were assessed on the Standards & Measures when they applied for reaccreditation. On this page, you can see the same variety of data available on the “Initial Accreditation Data” page, but specifically for data related to reaccreditation.  


You can apply filters for Region, Type, Budget, Population, Status, Year, FTE, Structure, Appointing Authority, Includes Tribes, Big Cities Health Coalition, or Version to select groups of health departments to review their performance on these themes. 

If you are an accredited health department, you can do the following on the “My Health Department” tab:  


Log in to the Data Portal. Once your health department is accredited, the health department director and accreditation coordinator will receive an email with their username and password to access the accredited health department capabilities of the portal. If you have not received this access, please confirm you are an active official in e-PHAB, PHAB’s official record of accredited health departments, by checking the Staff tab. If you are listed as an active official but do not have access, email datainfo@phaboard.org to request access.


Upon logging in, you will see your health department characteristics as well as a visualization of your assessments for your Initial Accreditation Data. If you are a reaccredited health department, you will see a dropdown menu in the upper left corner where you can select Reaccreditation Data. In the “My Assessment Overview” section, you will see a dropdown menu to view measures by Theme, Domain, or Standard. In the “My Measures” section, you can look at your health department’s performance for individual measures. 


View comments from your Site Visit Report, including the three greatest strengths, the three most serious opportunities for improvement, and the overall impression recorded by site visitors. You can also see specific measures that were identified as areas of excellence or opportunities for improvement. 


As you scroll down, you will be able to benchmark your performance by Theme or Domain and Standard against aggregate data from a group of comparison health departments that you can select using filters for Region, Type, Budget, Population, Status, State, Year, FTE, Structure, Jurisdiction, Appointing Authority, Includes Tribes, Big Cities Health Coalition, or Version to select groups of health departments to review their performance on these themes. 


To download data for your health department, click on the “HD Report” in the upper right corner and select either “download entire report as .pdf” to download the entirety of your report, or “download sections of report as .pdf” to select which specific sections you would like to download. Please note, the PDF will reflect the options you have made on the webpage. For example, if you’d like to compare your health department to a particular subset of health departments, set the filters appropriately before you download the report. Similarly, if you’d like to look at a particular theme or domain, select that on the Data Portal before downloading the report. 


There are several icons you will see frequently used throughout the Data Portal.

When you click on this icon, it will provide links to additional resources related to the section in which it appears.
When you click on this icon, it will bring you to the How to use the Data Portal page.
You can use the “Add Additional Health Department Criteria” button to view assessments on another set of health departments.