
What is Accreditation?

Through a seven-step process, PHAB’s initial accreditation assesses a health department’s capacity to carry out the ten Essential Public Health Services; manage an effective health department; and maintain strong and effective communications with the governing entity. The seventh step is Reaccreditation and is necessary for a health department to continue to be designated as accredited. Reaccreditation focuses on assessment of an accredited health department’s continued improvement and advancement, thereby becoming increasingly effective at improving the health of the population it serves.

PHAB provides accreditation services to state, Tribal, local, and territorial public health departments as well as state/territorial Vital Records/Health Statistics units and the US Army Installation Departments of Public Health.

Accreditation is Defined As


The measurement of health department performance against a set of nationally recognized, practice-focused and evidenced-based standards


The issuance of recognition of achievement of accreditation within a specified time frame by a nationally recognized entity


The continual development, revision, and distribution of public health standards

Why Get Accredited?

Tangible benefits of accreditation have been documented in the national evaluation of accreditation and in stories from accredited health departments. Since accreditation is about performance and quality improvement, the actual benefits to a health department will depend on its identified needs. Accreditation provides a framework for a health department to identify performance improvement opportunities, to improve management, develop leadership, and improve relationships with the community. The process is one that will challenge the health department to think about what business it does and how it does that business.


Quality Improvement

The percentage of health departments who said that accreditation has stimulated QI and performance improvement opportunities *


The percentage of health departments who said that since becoming accredited, their health department has strengthened their relationship with key partners in other sectors *


The percentage of health departments who said that accreditation has improved the health department’s accountability to external stakeholders*


The percentage of health departments who said that accreditation has improved their health department’s ability to identify and address gaps in employee training and workforce development*


The percentage of health departments who said that since becoming accredited, the utilization of resources within their health department has improved*

Community Health/Equity

The percentage of health departments who said that health department activities implemented as a result of being accredited have led to improved health outcomes in the community*
*All data cited are from a NORC evaluation survey of health departments one year or four years after they were accredited, as of June 2022. https://phaboard.org/wp-content/uploads/NORC-Evaluation-Slides.pdf