Throughout the accreditation process, PHAB collects data about health departments that participate in this voluntary program. This information is captured in the e-PHAB information system and is then imported into the Data Portal.
The last data import update from e-PHAB's information system into this data visualization portal was in November 2023. Data are typically updated approximately every three months, after Accreditation Committee convenings. We are in the process of doing another update.
If you use data or images from this portal, please use this citation: Public Health Accreditation Board. Health Department Accreditation Data Portal. 2024 .
This portal contains three types of data: Accreditation Snapshot, Measures, and Population Health Outcomes.
This page includes all health departments that have registered in e-PHAB as of the latest update. Health departments are classified into two categories:
Health departments that are currently accredited by PHAB. This includes health departments that are undergoing or have completed the reaccreditation process. A list of accredited health departments is available here.
In Progress
Health departments that have registered in e-PHAB but have not yet received a final decision of Accredited or Not Accredited. This includes health departments in the application, documentation submission, or review phases as well as those working on action plans/ACARs (Accreditation Committee Additional Requirements).
The Data Portal also indicates the number of health departments that have been:
Health departments that have successfully completed reaccreditation. Health departments are accredited for a period of five years before they must apply for reaccreditation.
All health departments that have a final Site Visit Report developed by peer site reviewers and reviewed by the Accreditation Committee. This includes accredited health departments; health departments that are working on action plans/ACARs; and health departments that have received a status of "Not Accredited". The Measures data in this portal includes all reviewed health departments.
The PHAB Standards & Measures are organized into 12 domains. The domains are based on the original 10 Essential Public Health Services, plus administration and management and the health department’s relationship with its governing entity. For initial accreditation, each domain has one or more standard and each standard has one or more measure. There are approximately 100 measures. For reaccreditation, there are no standards and there approximately 30 measures.
Health departments’ conformity with each measure is assessed in a Site Visit Report, which is prepared by peer reviewers and forms the basis of the Accreditation Committee’s determination of accreditation status. For each measure in initial accreditation, the health department is assessed as Fully Demonstrated, Largely Demonstrated, Slightly Demonstrated, or Not Demonstrated. In reaccreditation, measures are assessed as either Met or Not Met.
The portal includes information from all health departments that have been reviewed by the Accreditation Committee (including health departments going through the action plan/ACAR and those that have received a status of Not Accredited).
Interpreting the Measure Data
The following are important considerations in interpreting these findings:
- The assessments reflect how well, in the professional judgment of PHAB-trained volunteer reviewers, health departments’ documentation demonstrates conformity with the specific requirements in the Standards & Measures. Thus, it is important to consider those required elements of the measures when interpreting these findings. It is also possible that what may appear to be gaps in health department capacity may indicate an opportunity for the measure to be revised or clarified to better capture the underlying concept.
- The “report assessment data” provided in this portal are based on the assessments of conformity when the Site Visit Report is first reviewed by the Accreditation Committee. However, approximately 40% of health departments are required to complete an action plan/ACAR and demonstrate progress on these measures before they are accredited. As such, information on the initial assessment does not reflect the current capacity of accredited health departments. Instead, it reflects the areas in which health departments initially faced challenges.
- Toggle to the “action plan data” tabs to see which measures health departments were required by the Accreditation Committee to address prior to becoming accreditation. This also shows the improvements that health departments made through this part of the process. “Improved” means that the documentation for that measure was assessed as Fully or Largely Demonstrated when site visitors reviewed the additional documentation that was provided through the action plan process.
- These analyses are based on those health departments that have undergone the voluntary accreditation process. It does not include health departments that have not yet completed the peer review phase or have not yet applied. These findings may not be generalizable to other health departments that are not in the accreditation process or accredited by PHAB.
Other Measure Notes
- If the user does not filter by Version, the portal will display aggregate information from across versions 1.0 and 1.5 of the Standards and Measures. If the user is looking at a specific measure and the requirement has undergone a substantive change, only Version 1.5 data will be displayed.
- Users can select to see data about a particular measure or a group of measures (e.g., a domain, standard, or theme, such as health equity). When displaying a group of measures, the denominator is all the assessments within that group. For example, if a domain has 10 measures and there are 200 health departments in the filter, the denominator for that domain would be 2000. If the visualization indicates that 25% of measures were assessed as fully demonstrated, that means that across those 200 health departments and 10 measures, 500 assessments (out of a total of 2,000 assessments) were fully demonstrated.
- Accredited health departments can also see an overall summary score, which is the percentage of the measures for which they were assessed as Fully Demonstrated or Largely Demonstrated. The comparative score is the percentage of times a measure was assessed as Fully or Largely Demonstrated across all the assessments for the health departments selected by the filters.
For Researchers
The PHAB data portal provides an opportunity for researchers to do an initial exploration of PHAB data. If you would like to conduct a more in-depth research study, read about PHAB’s data use agreement and related policies here.
As part of reaccreditation, health departments are required to indicate the topics for which they are tracking population health outcomes in their communities.* PHAB is focused on the health of the entire jurisdiction served by a health department or on targeted populations that are at higher health risk or have poorer health outcomes. Health departments select specific topics from a list developed by PHAB. Those topics are organized into Broad Areas, based on the organizing framework used in Dr. David Kindig’s model of population health outcomes.
These data are updated quarterly to include data from all health departments that have submitted their population health outcomes in e-PHAB, even if they are still undergoing the reaccreditation review. Health departments are also required to update their population health outcomes each year as part of their Annual Report. This portal will reflect the most recent topics submitted by each health department—whether they were submitted as part of reaccreditation or a subsequent Annual Report. Because the first cohort of health departments did not begin the reaccreditation process until 2018, the data in this section only represent a subset of health departments that have been accredited.
To learn more about population health outcomes, please see:
- Report released by PHAB in June 2020 with an analysis of reported data
- Two webinars about population health outcomes, accessible by accredited health departments through Bridge
*When health departments enter their outcomes in e-PHAB, they may add custom topics. If those closely resemble an existing topic, PHAB will recode them. For example, a custom topic of “adolescent tobacco use” would be recoded as “tobacco use.” If a custom topic has been used by more than 10 health departments, it will be added to the list of topics displayed in this portal. If a topic was added after the original list of topics was posted in e-PHAB, that will be indicated within this data portal. It is possible that a higher percentage of health departments are tracking those topics in their communities, but they did not report it to PHAB because that topic was not presented to them in e-PHAB.
For Researchers
The PHAB data portal provides an opportunity for researchers to do an initial exploration of PHAB data. If you would like to conduct a more in-depth research study, read about PHAB’s data use agreement and related policies here.
Users can view aggregate information about a group of health departments. Throughout this portal, users may filter the data by using one or more of the following criteria:
Users can filter by Health and Human Services (HHS) Region.
Users can select state or local health departments.*
Users can select a population size served by the health department, as reported to PHAB.
For the measure assessment data, users can select Version 1.0 or Version 1.5 of the PHAB Standards and Measures.
Accreditation Status
Users can select to view only accredited health departments or all health departments that have had a final Site Visit Report reviewed by the Accreditation Committee (including health departments currently working on action plans/Accreditation Committee Additional Requirements (ACAR), and those that are Not Accredited).
For visualizations about measure assessments, users can select the year in which the Site Visit Report, as prepared by the peer reviewers, was finalized for Accreditation Committee review. On the Population Health Outcomes page, users can select the year in which the health department reported to PHAB on the topics they are tracking. Health departments report to PHAB when they are submitting documentation for reaccreditation and each year after they are accredited as part of their Annual Report. The visualization contains the most recent year the health department reported to PHAB.
This filter is only available for users logged in as accredited health departments. Only states with at least 10 health departments are included in the filter. Accredited health departments can select any states with 10 or more health departments.
Users can select one of the categories for annual budget as provided by the health department when it applies for accreditation or reaccreditation; PHAB does not validate the budget data provided by health departments.
Users can select one of the categories for full-time equivalent employees as provided by the health department when it applies for accreditation or reaccreditation; PHAB does not validate the FTE data provided by health departments.
Users can select the structure of the relationship between state and local health departments (e.g., centralized, decentralized, shared, or mixed), as reported to PHAB.
Users can select the type of jurisdiction served by the health department (e.g., city, county, multi-county, etc.). These data are only available for local health departments; if users select one or more of these filters, state health departments will be omitted from the results.
Appointing Authority
Users can select the job title of the individual that appoints the health department director (e.g., governor, mayor, chair of governance, etc.). This individual must provide a letter of support when health departments apply for accreditation.
Tribes in Jurisdiction
Users can select to only see health departments that indicated yes in response to this question on the application: “Does the area served by the health department include a federally recognized Tribal government?”
Big Cities Health Coalition
Users can select to only see local health departments that are part of the Big Cities Health Coalition.
Please note, if a user selects a combination of filters that would return fewer than five health departments, the system will not share the data and the user will be directed to adjust the filter criteria.